A Canadian gal living in Britain with 3 men and a dog. Wine helps.

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Saturday, April 03, 2004

Sent With Love

Yesterday was a really good day for me. I met up with my pal Carol-Anne at the gym after having my root canal finished, and off we went to the Cafe she and her husband have recently purchased. They are in the process of renovating and making new menus. I have happily agreed to design them a few flyers and if all goes well, I will be designing their menu. After we left the Cafe, we went to the College where Carol-Anne works (she's an employment coordinator of sorts) where we logged onto Skyco and ordered some American/Canadian food that cannot be found here. I met a number of her colleagues and will be going to The Learning Center with her to check out what goes on there, and maybe offer some assistance in regards to resumes. Carol-Anne says she wants to get me on staff at the College once I'm allowed to work, so we will see what happens. We have been making a few social plans for the next few weeks, which is really nice - it feels good to be out with a friend of my own.

Later, Andy and I went to see the movie Starsky and Hutch, which we both found to be funny, if not silly. As we were in Lincoln, I went to pick up a parcel that Mom had been sent from home, but was returned to the main office as I wasn't in to receive it on Monday. My mother had lovingly, with the help of Stacy and Marina, packed some of my favorite low-fat foods that cannot be bought here or through Skyco! I drooled when I saw the Dill Pickle Rice Chips... the vanilla Snackwell Cookies, and best of all, the low-fat Betty Crocker brownie mix that I make my WW Muffins from!!!! It's taking all my will power not to rip open the rice-cakes - I want to save them a while longer. I did however eat one cookie, and give one to Andy, who said I will have to hide them from him as they are good. Since he's not really concerned about low-fat cookies, he is to stay away from my Snackwells!

Fun With My ABCs
(Might as well do it too)

Age: 28
Band listening to right now: Blue
Career future: Maybe Community Relations
Dad's name: John
Easiest person to talk to: Andy, Annette, Rena, Dawn
Favorite song: I'm Not In Love (Enrique)
Gummy bears or gummy worms: Gummy Bears
Hometown: Halifax
Instruments: I wish
Job: Lady of Leisure (for the time being)
Kids: Would love to, but not likely
Longest car ride ever: To NF
Mom's name: Gina
No. of pets: None
Oldest friend: Annette Brown
Phobia(s): Don't really have the usual, i.e. spiders, clowns, heights... don't like the thought of being burned alive, however I don't let that one slow me down, lol.
Quote: You can do it the easy way, or the hard way - choice is yours
Reason to smile: My loved ones, children, spring is here, ice-cream
Song you sang last: eight World Wonder - Kimberly Locke
Time you wake up: 1st Time: 6:30 when Andy does, 2nd: between 9 and 10
Unknown fact about me: You'll have to keep wondering - I don't have many secrets after all.
Vegetable you hate: Brussel Sprouts
Worst habit: Procrastination
X-rays you've had: Chest X-Ray
Yummy food: Muller Rice Pudding - Caramel Flavour
Zodiac sign: Aquarius

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