A Canadian gal living in Britain with 3 men and a dog. Wine helps.

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Tuesday, May 07, 2013

International No Diet Day

Before I give you an 'accountability rundown' on how the Wellness Program is going I want to say that we had an incredible three day weekend here at Casa McAllenby.  It was made even more so because we had our grand baby with us for most of it.  That kid is absolutely amazing.  Yesterday we spent hours outdoors soaking up the sunshine.  I took a ton of pictures and plan to share those with you later this week.  However today my plan is to bore you with how I've been doing with this wellness thing, and as today is nearly over I'd better crack on.

On Friday Molly and I did go for a long walk and although I didn't track my steps, I got out and walked a good distance (which is usually the norm anyway); On Saturday I upped my game and went hard during my 'jog'.  I cleared two miles in 24 minutes. No it won't break any records but for a slightly chubby, asthmatic 40 year old it's a start. On Sunday I mentally reminded myself of the the workout goals I've set for myself as I'm not big into writing out lists.  I will leave that to my sisters. They are excellent list makers. 

Which brings me to days 6 and 7 on the Wellness Calendar, which are combined. Monday the 6th was apparently International No Diet Day however today is the day I decided to rise to the challenge as I was too busy playing with Jayden yesterday.

So.  International No Diet Day: Let’s all try to take a break this week from thinking about what’s wrong with our bodies and instead focus on what’s right. Make a list of 10 things you love about your body.

Hrmmm.  I could list you 20 things I dislike about my body in the time it's gong to take to list more than the three usual good things.  However here goes nothing:

The colour of my eyes; even though all my siblings have big, gorgeous brown eyes

My hair - it's in really good condition at the moment
My lips (which were ironically made fun of when I was a teenager)
My legs, their strength and shape
My boobs (its a love/hate relationship)
My toes
The ladybug (Florence) tattoo on my left foot
My hands - for what they are capable of
This is beginning to get hard now.  Am I supposed to say my Va-G-G because I'm a woman? Well I won't.
How my skin turns a golden brown in summer despite being freckly.  (Or maybe it's just all my freckles connecting?)
This might be stretching it and although lame it may be:  my heart because not only is it strong and healthy, it's full to bursting with love and gratitude for all I have been blessed with in this life.   

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