Andy kindly put together a wish list of what he'd like to find under our tree on Christmas morning (which makes shopping for him so much easier). At his request I have put together a few items that I would be absolutely thrilled with:

Ken is one of my favourite authors
(Amazon has it, as well as Tesco's)

(Amazon has it, as well as Tesco's)

(I think this is the cookbook my sister has that I was coveting in October)
It can be found at or at Tesco's :)
It can be found at or at Tesco's :)

I could only find this picture, however I prefer Control Freak (green bottles). These can be found online usually on offer for £20. Last year there was a stall uptown in our local shopping mall selling sets at this price... hope they come back this year.
In the clothing department:

Joe Brown's Irresistible Top - £12.90

Joe Browns Throw On Anywhere Shirt - £22.95

Joe Brown's Epitomy Dress - £29.95
Of course I love creams and lotions, especially the coco butter/vanilla scents. La Senza and Victoria Secrets also do some beautiful body lotions/butters but they aren't so easily accessible in our area.
Naturally I'm easily pleased and would be happy to receive only a few items off this list, most of which can be found on Amazon (including the clothes) - easy shopping for sure.
Oh wait,
I absolutely adore this hat:

but at £26 from Monsoon Accessorize I'd really need a jacket/coat to actually wear it with, and unfortunately I don't have one.
So maybe I will put the hat and this beauty of a coat on my birthday wish list (since my birthday is in January):

Joe Browns Ultimate Coat
This electric low fat fryer isn't on my wish list for Christmas, but I do think its a must have for next year:

I'm never short on ideas, that's for sure. Call me easy, I don't mind :)
If only females from the Brown side of your family would provide lists...
Andy's lucky you're so easy!
What a perfect list -- love the shirts - so beautiful!!!
OK your first item -- just finished the book (had lots of time while I recovered from surgery). LOVED IT!!! Not sure I can stand to wait until 2012 for the next book in the trilogy. Let me know if you get the book -- it was phenomenal!!!
I love your list! And guess what... I picked the same Joe Brown dress for my wish list too! I saw his collection on! :) Valentina xxx
I think it's great that you can put together that list - I have had a few people ask me what I want, and for the life of me I really can't get any ideas for myself - makes people annoyed at me!
Love the clothes you picked out!
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