Right from the start its been a cracking summer. We've had a lot of family over, starting with Dawn in June, ending with Stacy and Heather in August.
We managed to do so much, including travel to Kefalonia with Stace, which was as amazing as when we honeymooned there, in different ways of course, the number one reason being getting to share Stacy's excitement in seeing such a gorgeous place.
Not to mention the day we rolled down a huge slide in a massive ball, or completed an obstacle course in the trees of Sherwood forest...

The same can be said for Heather's first trip to the UK. Both Dawn and Stace have been here twice before, so it was kind of fun to show someone the sights who was so in awe of it all. Heather was taken aback by some of the places we visited: Lincoln, Chatsworth (where Pride & Prejudice, The Duchess were filmed), even right down to our favourite, the Harvest Moon and Jaques Cider. Seems like all my girls back home are big fans of our cozy pub, especially on quiz night...

This summer also brought with it some big changes. Work went kind of sour there for awhile, and although what was happening caused quite a lot of upheaval, things have calmed down and it looks like I will be there to weather out the storm, as things have turned around for me and the boat has stopped rocking.
I said good-bye to two fantastic friends, Carol-Anne & Madeline, who have moved back to Canada, and hopefully greener fields. Part of me still thinks they are only out there on their annual trip and will be back soon, but another part of me knows they have done what is right and that I will see them again soon. Besides, its just more extended family for me to have back home :)

Andy has been re-located to London, so for the time being will only be with us every second weekend. It'll take some getting used to, but Alex, (Connor when he is here) and Molly and I do alright on our own, and it won't be for too long. Besides, Andy and I are already trying to sort out a trip or two to London.
So a quiet weekend lays ahead of me, one that I'll probably make best use of to get back to the gym and ringing those I haven't had a chance to talk to all summer.

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