Just when you least expect it.
Yesterday when I arrived home it was to find a slip that the postman had left regarding collection of a parcel that he was unable to deliver due to size. I didn't want to hope too much, but I was pretty certain it was the Christmas parcel mom had sent back in early November. She was so dismayed when it didn't reach me in time for Christmas, even though she knew that it was a possibilty because she had missed the cut off date. I had been telling her all along not to stress about it, I don't mind getting presents late, after all its something else to look forward to after all the Christmas fuss. Although both of us thought it would at least be with me for New Years. No luck. Almost every second or third day for the month of January Mom has been ringing me to see if the package came. I started wondering if maybe it'd gotten held up at customs as sometimes happens.
But apparently not, because today when I nipped up to the post office and read the date on the package to make sure it wasn't a birthday parcel, I saw that it was dated the 3/11/08. I spent about 10 seconds trying to decide if I should just put it on the backseat and wait till I got home after work to open it. But then I thought there is no way I can go to work and then go out with B for lunch knowing that it was sitting in the 4x4 unopened. So I gleefully tore it open and smiled when I saw the pretty packages and then set to opening it all.
Now I'm sitting here thinking about all the pretty tops that were enclosed and the beautiful ring my sister had tucked into the package. Its truly beautiful and so similar to the one I had been coveting off her when she was here this summer.
Am I bothered that my Christmas presents arrived a few days before my birthday? I should say not... it was lovely getting such great gifts at this very gloomy time of the year and its going to keep me smiling all weekend.
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