It'S BeEn A LoNg DaY

This morning began at 6:30 when I got up to drive Andy to work. It had been a miserable night as this is our 5th week of sleeping on a futon while we await the arrival of our new bed.
I came back with the intention of going to the gym for a workout but then realized my sneakers were a filthy-muddy mess from my jog the other day and when I tried to clean them up, I also succeeded in soaking them. Alas no gym.
Around 11:30 I took myself off shopping only to end up with nothing of substance at the one store I feeling hopeful about. So feeling optimistic, I decided to brave the parking garage at the shopping precinct (Mall). This parkade is multi-level, however space here is so limited its a major squeeze of twists and turns. I was so thrilled to have found my way there that I didn't take as much care as I should have on one turn and knicked the front bumper on one of the guardrails... I then managed to squeeze myself tightly into a very small space, however once I'd seen that I'd scraped the car (one day after it came out of the shop) I was too ill at heart to shop and just left.
I made it home to find an email from a good friend saying that the lease company he works for is giving him the opportunity to offer friends/friends of friends $1000 off a new vehicle (I think to lease or buy) and as it's the company that I leased my car thru back home (I won't get into all of that as everyone knows my story) I responded rather quickly, saying that I wouldn't lease from, or recommend that company to anyone again. I think I really hurt him with this email and for that I am sorry. Although I was having a bad day, it was no reason to open my big mouth in slight of something that is really a good offer. I was out of line.
Andy and I then took the boys out for supper, which wasn't very good at all and thankfully he and I have just made it home to relax for the evening.
I really need to wind down.
Oh one good thing - the car isn't too bad - I wasn't going very fast so its not dented or anything and Andy thinks he can fix it himself.
Daily Dirt....
Couch potato...
1. What shows do you watch? Hmmm it's different here in England... Friends, Miss Match, American Idol, CSI, CSI Miami (most of this shows are a couple of episodes behind). I do like watching My Family and old reruns of the Vicar of Dibley in regard to English TV.
2. As a child, which shows/cartoons did you always watch? The Littlest Hobo, The Flintstones, Fantasy Island, Charlies Angels, Night Rider... lots of TV!
3. Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching TV? Hmmm now while I'm not working??? Probably too many... at least 10-15.
4. What kind of shows do you like to watch? (reality/cartoon/soapies etc) I do like the Reality Shows such as Survivor and the Amazing Race, however I can't get them here! I do like the funnier sitcoms such as Friends/Frasier plus a few dramas i.e. CSI. I do NOT watch Soapies, lol.
5. Do you tape any shows? Not anymore, now that we have satellite - most of the shows repeat themselves within a few days.
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